
Geo Book Shelf 3

M40 by Mazzali

Pure White House by Susanna Cots

Furnitures by Tembolat Gugkaev

The ”Yellow” Renovation by Pedro Varela & Renata Pinho

The New Templar Hotel by Del Terrelonge

10 Beautiful Custom Wall Bookcases at Chictip

The K House by Ashton Raggatt McDougall

Ikea Bookcase Ad

Australian Loft Made Out of Oriented Strand Board

Bookcase from recycled encyclopedias

Barcelona House by Gaudi

M-shaped Bookcase from Luxury House

Scatter Shelf by Nendo

The Nolitan by Grzywinski + Pons

IKEA Billy Bookcase Add-On by DING3000

Escape From Sofa Furniture

Loft 24/7 by Fernanda Marques Arquitetos Associados

The Bidoun Library